Who should use this Web site?
If you received a Nova Scotia student loan, or entered repayment, on or after November 1, 2007, then this Web site is for you. Resolve, on behalf of the Nova Scotia government, manages your Nova Scotia student loan while in repayment. This site provides borrowers with convenient online access to the following information and services:
- Review Loan Balances and Status
- Review details of new loans you've recently received
- Review Loan Payments and Transaction History
- Update Personal and Contact Information
- Make a Loan Payment
- Change your monthly Payment amount
- Change your Payment Date
This Web site gives you the flexibility to access your Nova Scotia Student Loan information at your convenience. Find out more about Resolve's registration process and hours of service by going to
Before You Start.
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for Resolve Online Services.
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Do you have student loans not managed by Resolve?
If you have a Nova Scotia student loan that was received, or entered repayment, on or before October 31, 2007, then this loan is managed by a lending institution. If you received a Canada Student Loan, this loan is managed by the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC). To obtain contact information for these lenders please visit the Contact Lenders section of the Nova Scotia Site.
Nova Scotia Student Assistance Programs to help you
For complete information about all programs available to Nova Scotia student loan borrowers, including ways we can help you manage your debt, please visit the Repayment section of the Nova Scotia Site.